November Artist Spotlight

The PRMTD. Collective
1 min readNov 28, 2020

By Kimberly Seals

Please join PRMTD culture in spotlighting another round of local artists. Let’s get into that holiday groove with November’s artist picks.

Chucky Blk

Chucky Blk is an Austin area artist with a message. His poetic background is evident in his thought provoking lyrics, and his quirky flow exudes black boy joy despite his, at times, heavy subject matter.

Chucky Blk’s recently released EP, A Scathing Critique of Current Affairs, is a quick but impactful listen. Be sure to check it out on streaming.

Sonya Jevette

Sonya Jevette is a Dallas, Texas transplant that is now gracing the Austin music scene with her unique psychedelic soul. Sonya is not only a talented vocalist, but also an expert guitarist as well. Her vibrant aesthetic is clearly present in her seasoned songwriting. Check her out on streaming.

Clarence James

Clarence James is both a dynamic visual artist and talented musician. His unique brand of indie rock is beautifully expressive and emotional. Clarence James’[‘ latest project, F***ed Me Up, is a dreamlike journey through love and heartbreak. Be sure to give it a listen on streaming.



The PRMTD. Collective

Welcome to our Blog! The PRMTD. Collective is an indie artist movement based in Austin, TX promoting community, collaboration, & cultural awareness!